Tuesday, January 27, 2009

His words

are living. they are at work in our lives. in our hearts. Im so thankful for the times that I hear God speaking to me, personally, through his word. when those times are hard to find, i miss them!! and i long for them. i get frustrated and give up. not what i should so . but sometimes i am stubborn and lazy.

I never want to forget the awesomeness of God. i want to be in AWE of him daily. and never take for granted what HE has done for me ..for all of us. what a priceless gift.

but like i said. when we soften our hearts, we hear him speaking to us in that still small place. i find that its only when i can actually quiet my heart and my mind that i am able to hear my Father. in the ways that he desires me to hear him. this world makes it hard to be quiet. but that doesnt mean its an excuse. we are called to God first. we must create those times. and not become lazy and stubborn.

I was reading last week and God spoke very loudly to me. i had opened to Jeremiah chapter 33. I knew in that moment it was him encouraging me to keep looking for his voice. and I did. what a sweet time. how he blesses us when we obey and we long for him.
It was the first time and place in a while i strongly felt his voice so i have decided to go through the book of Jeremiah since that is where i heard him calling me....

im amazed. i know he has me here for a reason. as i am asking for guidance on if He would have me go to China. im excited. my heart wants to be there. with those i dont know. but yet they are still family. with them to reach others for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. what could be more fulfilling and exciting. its what we are made for

Today was just the beginning of my journey through Jeremiah. but i know that daily God will meet with me there as his words come to life in my heart
im ready. and im eager. i pray i will be faithful with what he teaches me

Jeremiah 33:2 "This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: 3 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Sorry I haven't been as up on your blog as normal! I'm just now seeing this, but just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement, inadvertent as it may be. I'm dealing with having desire to get into the Word and hear from God and feeling a little dry. So, I'm excited you're in it and hearing from the Lord. What a gift! God is good - He gives us exactly what we need.