Monday, January 12, 2009

Cruise Control and a Birthday

Both played a very important role during this past weekend. Yes I drove to visit Ginny for her Birthday. You wouldnt believe it, but i made it there in 2.5 hrs. and i made it home in 1 hr and 45 minutes. I like to thank cruise control for that. and i would also like to thank people for deciding not to clog up the highways during the time i was road tripping. I had a pretty easy drive and majority of the time the left lane was open for me. i would also like to thank all police men/women for not hiding out on the ramps and medians..ya know, just in case i may have been speeding. i highly doubt it though:-0

well to start off friday night i went to cycling with jenn right after work. needless to say, it was amazing even though i got my butt kicked. i changed and left straight from the gym. i had packed a banana because i knew my body would pass out if i did not feed it right after cycle. arriving at the wonderful condo was great. Ginny and i spent friday night relaxing. i find it funny, but not sad. that fridays tend to be a great night to relax. very contrary to a couple years ago. well we chatted and decided off to bed was the best choice. and saturday came quickly.

saturday morning was productive. we did inventory on Ginny's entire closet. very productive as we ended up with two huge garbage bags full. dontating is wonderful! i love hand me downs. well saturday afternoon was full of errands. lunch was at McAlisters. I would nominate them for best sweet tea anyday! old navy and dicks sporting goods were great to us. not so great to the bank account however. sat night was hanging out and watchin the panthers game at Michael and Jos house. we had chips with 3 amazing dips. then home made fish tacos for dinner. delish! the night was full of cheering, groaning, arms being thrown in the air. and Eli. yes Eli is there 2.5 year old son. i would like to have one of him one day!! he is adorable. so cute. he showed off his football skills. he begged his mommie to watch Arsenal (for those who dont know, that is a soccer team. i love that a 2 year old knew of them!!) he also wanted to watch cars or cinderella, depending on what minute you asked him.
Sunday was church, lunch with friends. we ate the brunch buffet at a pizza place. yes the buffet had omelets, fruit, belgian waffles, and pizza. the waffles were AMAZING. the afternoon was chill. ginny and i contemplated life. past present and future. we watched The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Jude Law..LOVE IT! then i got home at 10 pm. like i mentioned before. thanks cruise control.

I loved this past weekend.. for many reasons: I love Ginny, i love her birthday, i now love charlotte friends, i love shomars, i love matthews-mint hill road. yes it is one of my favorite roads. Charlotte was a great time! it was so wonderful that i briefly considered moving there. uh huh, for a short period of time i actually thought about it.

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